Saturday, December 20, 2008

Comfy and Cozy are we

"Even the good plans of wise wizards like Gandolf and of good friends like Elrond go astray sometimes when you are off on dangerous adventures over the Edge of the Wild." -The Hobbit

I just never know when the mood to blog will hit. So, here I sit, fully dressed for my run, and a bit sidetracked. Lucky for me the middle of the day is warmest this time of year :) I'm trying to up my running, distance (and maybe speed, if I'm truly diligent) in preparation for a spring marathon. And I mean it this time, heheh.

I've been home from Thailand for a little less than two weeks. The longer I'm home, the more the trip becomes fond memories, and I find myself missing things that I didn't even acknowledge as significant. Statements like "the grass is always greener," and "you always want what you don't have" really embody themselves in me :) It's not a deep, take me back there nostalgia, but more of a surprising, I never thought I would miss that, type feeling. I'm sure a part of that has to do with spending 24 hours a day with a true friend, one who you can be with or be alone with, one who shares similar thoughts and feelings about things, so whether you say it or not, you know they're thinking it. So nice.

So, all in all, it was a great trip. We had no expectations, but there were hopes, like the trip being good, and it was. The day I left, my roommate prayed for me and the trip. She said she didn't really know how to pray for it, but asked that I would feel God's love for me and that it would be whatever it needed to. Such a simple prayer, but so meaningful to me. On one of our layovers Jill and I reflected on the idea that both of us feel God's love for others fairly naturally, but His love for us is something more known than felt consistently. It was an interesting realization and a wondering of how to, or if you can, go about finding that feeling.

I think that God did reveal His love for us in this time. It was different than I have previously felt, and less of an experience... more of a constant peace and reassurance. I felt His love through His provision. During the trip things were really vague; day to day we'd wake and wonder what was in store. And halfway through we experienced a slight setback when the airport was besieged by protesters and shut down indefinitely, stranding us in Bangkok. I ended up missing 7 days of work and our 11 day trip in Thailand became 22. But God met unanticipated needs that kept our frustrations and panics at bay. I had a precious friend, a merciful employer and a gracious host family, as well as loved ones from home offering everything from money to overnight shipment of books and underwear :)

So my fresh from the trip takeaway is a refreshed perspective of God's love for me as well as a renewed love for things here, where I am for now. I've been starry eyed about cold runs and being cussed out by my clients, and look forward to a Holiday season with my family (including a late Thanksgiving Day dinner!) and spending time with friends I love.

Huzzah for time away :) I highly recommend entrapment.

Sunday, December 14, 2008