Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I especially am slow

it's been a good week thus far. yesterday was the first day of summer. unfortunately i didn't realize this until i got to work at 3 and was stuck there until 11:30... i think i would have liked to do something summery, like swim, in honor of the day. oh well, i have most of the other days of summer still to come.

i have potentially found a volunteer opportunity helping with refugee resettlement, which i'm excited about. i have a couple friends who have done so in other cities and really loved it, so here's hopin', but if that doesn't work out, something else will. i feel like i keep having to remind myself of that with every little thing... my mind gets going and runs away with the littlest things, or big things, and i just have to say, "Jesus, I surrender it." and move on. it's been really refreshing to take this position with things i worry about; then i really can't sit around and try and figure out how i can make something happen or how i can work it out.... i am left to completely rely on Jesus. so i am currently trusting that things with jobs, serving, potentially moving out, life in general, will be right in the right time. until then, i surrender it.

i got the Cry yesterday, Word Made Flesh's advocacy journal. and two nights ago while looking for volunteer stuff i happened upon Amnesty International's website. What wonderful reminders of what makes my heart beat fast, of what makes my soul yearn to be a part of. i feel like God is gearing me up, reminding me of what he's revealed. don't forget them, he keeps saying. someday i'll be there again, and until then i pray for them and those who are there with them, representing Jesus.

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